Saturday, Bob and Maida came over and helped us put in our tile around the bathtub, we got about 3/4 of the way done and realized we were 4 pieces short. 4! well I called the company we ordered our tile from and they told us that in order for us to get those 4 pieces it would cost us about 40 bucks for the FULL box and then 35 for the shipping. GOOD CRAP is right! that is like what, 18 bucks a tile?...NO THANK YOU. So we thought we would call around to see if others had it and just finish the tile and see if we could make it work.
Monday night they came back and we finished the wall, and realized we are only 1 and a half thats a little bit better, AND the company was able to give us there display piece, so now we just need to find a half, and we are hoping one of the other companies around here will have a display piece we can buy from them.
So after they finished the tile, Kory and I decided we would start the Grout, that way it would be done in time for the floors in the morning. We were up until 4 am scrubbing that awful stuff off our walls! WHAT A NIGHTMARE! It definitely made me glad we ordered linoleum for the floor.
So we got about 3 hours of sleep because I had to teach swimming lessons, and Kory still had to put the sub floor in before 1pm so we could get the floors in the next day.
Well turns out I also didn't order enough Linoleum. My dad said, that next time we need to have a professional do the ordering... But thankfully my dad is a master at laying linoleum and did a great job with the seams and matching the pattern.
Then for the part I am The MOST excited about. We finally put in our brand new toilet. I know you are all thinking of all the things to be excited about? Well, until you live with a broken toilet for 7 months, you cannot possibly understand what I am feeling. After Kory installed it I probably flushed it 10 times just to see the bowl empty (something our last toilet ONLY did for Kory, and gave me a severe complex)
Anyway, that is where we are at now, we will be getting our vanity in sometime soon.
I took some pictures last night so you can all see the progress we made