And then I felt immediately a light breeze drifting past my legs, and i felt my pants immediately become loose.
I had ripped just from bending over a rip probably 12 inches long on my bum! Not only was i sad that these were my ONLY pair of jeans without holes in them, but I was devastated that they were practically shredded by my enormous "lady lump" (as Fergie would call it) I am talking incredible hulk action here.
I think i need to go on a diet. or exercise or something.
Here are the pictures
I don't dry my jeans in the dryer. EVER. Jeff's either. We both have these ridiculously long legs, (mine especially, in comparison with my body), and they always continually shorten each and every time they're dried. That being said, I don't have to endure that sinking feeling when I put on jeans recently out of the dryer, and actually have to do some sort of lunge-stretches, just so I don't have them going up my butt...or other areas. I would suggest not drying. It gives you that comfortable, in-between feel. Meaning, not to baggy and not too tight. Also...sorry about that happening. Even though I'm chalking it up to stressed fabric and whatnot, it still gives you that feeling received after you step on the scale and the plastic cracks, or you sit on a seat and it groans like that's the "most" maximum capacity it's ever had to hold, or when you get into a car and it immediately lowers itself by like, three inches. Have any of these things happened to me, personally? I'm not telling. But I totally feel your pain.
This is the only thing about pregnancy that isn't so bad. I don't have to put my jeans on after a loooong summer, and see whether or not they still fit.
Well I don't know about the diet and exercise part. You are either swimming or dancing everyday and you don't eat sugar. Maybe your dryer is too hot and your pants are getting smaller and smaller.
I wish I had your will power and Rainey's long legs. I rely on the dryer or capris just to get mine to fit. Length wise that is.
Demand a fat allowance from Kory. I did and i feel so much better about myself and I am comfortable all day long. I went up a ton of sizes, and at first it was devastating, but now I am so happy!
What the heck is a fat allowance?
My husband will not wash his jeans - at least not in the washing machine. He puts them on inside out, jumps in the shower, then rubs them down with shampoo. I'm not even joking. It's a trick he learned from his fashion designer friend who told him how awful washing machines/dryers are for the denim. (I tried to remind him that may be true for $300+ jeans, but he insists on doing it this way.) This is a rare occasion, though, as he prefers to wear them until they're about to disintegrate before washing them at all.
Anyway, that last photo was pretty amazing. Keep those coming.
Kory - I got your comment about Grant and Kelli; I vaguely remember something about it, but I apologize if I antagonized Kelli too much. It looks like she's doing pretty well, so at least I didn't cause lasting damage. I guess that's all I could hope for.
Kenny just read my last comment and insists that i add this other "helpful" hint. Apparently you can throw them in the ocean to wash them. (I was unaware he was doing this...)
I am with Rainy on this one - I don't ever dry pants or shirts - I find that it ruins them. Instead I hang everything up to dry in the spare closet - I know it's more of a pain but it makes clothes last WAY longer!! And yet this doesn't keep them baggy - they are still too tight :)
listen girlfriend, i'm having to deal with the truth. i am desperately in need of a diet. and i started one today. sheesh.
That last picture made jerome laugh out loud! :0) i also hate putting on jeans straight out of the dryer! Too stiff.
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