My sister in-law Kelli made me this cute care bear! She did a really good job, and it has so much detail! I am really impressed with her abilities. She is really talented, and since I have no patience for crocheting or knitting, I am always so impressed with all her master pieces.
Way to post instantly!
It's like your blog is a live streaming webcam.
I don't have to pay per minute do I?
You know what would be cooler? If Kelli made my care bear. Um. Yeah.
I paid first
that is awesome. I am trying to learn to knit and there is no way I could make something like that.
FYI RAINEY- I started your care bear today. And it's super hard. I've already ripped it apart. I think I have to rewrite the whole pattern by hand for you. So stop your whining! It will be so worth the wait. And p.s. one of it's arms and half of one leg is finished.
I totally saw that care bear in person last thursday before you got it....
come on, you know you love "emordery"
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