Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Woodland Creatures

A few weeks ago, we were invited to a fun birthday bash for our nephew Felix. I waited for Kelli to post about it, but she took too long...

When we told Axel we were going to a birthday party, he was SO excited, he sang "Happy Birthday" the whole way there. Being so close to his birthday, we were really worried he would be upset he didn't get to take any of the presents home. Luckily my sister inlaw brought him a birthday gift, so I am pretty sure this is what he will expect at all birthdays.

My sister in-law went way above and beyond, she gave me crap for my birthday party but I think the fact that she sewed a party mask for every single guest shows that she way out did me or anything I would ever do, she had to have made like 20 masks. So she can't give me crap anymore. Not to mention the cake and the other decor was all just adorable.

Axel absolutely loved his skunk mask and wore it the entire time.

The best part was when Ashdon ran up to Axel in his mask and Axel didn't know it was him and he panicked and was super scared, and started to run away and Ashdon lifted his mask off his eyes and said "Axel Axel, it's me it's me, Ashdon!" in his cute little voice, relieved it was Ashdon and not a scary woodland creature attacking him he squealed and they both started giggling and chasing each other like they always do. 

All the guests had so much fun with her masks, and the best part was we got to take them home! Axel, and Story both played with them all week long.

Here are some of the pictures I took from the party. I figured she would want to blog about all her decor so I just thought I would just post the pics of the guests that I took.

The birthday boy Felix was soo cute in his little raccoon get up that his momma made him.
 When I was going through the pictures I thought who is this little girl I don't know any 5 year olds? Then I was like Oh my that is syd! She is soo old and grown up looking!
 This is the point where Ashdon was convincing Axel that it was just him in that disguise :)
 Axel once he found out it was just Ashdon :)
 Cutest little raccoon snoozing away
Baby Nixon with his papa
 Axel LOVED his mask and wore it the whole time. (this is his new "Cheese" face.)
 Whooo whoo is that stinking cute owl you ask? Baby Gauge in all his cuteness. 
 Story and Baby Gurl!

 Our little family
 She woke up eventually
 Axel wearing his mask home along with playing happily with his new Robots from Aunt Rainey


Kyle said...

It was 40.

Forty masks.

And believe me, she didn't do it alone.

Kelli said...

Oh, Kyle. Such a complainer :) But he's right. We had a whole assembly line of us, Kass, and Wendy's family. Axel's first birthday was still way beyond Felix's. I won't ever give up my right to give you crap. :)

KaSs MiLeS said...

cute!! and you're totally right, kelli took waaaaay too long. i gave her crap like a week ago for not posting, yet she still has not done so.
i love the picture of all of you and your kids. it looks like such a big family once you have 2 kids.

Kory said...

Nick looks very manly in that picture.

rain said...

It was so cute. I wasn't at Axel's party, (I went to a very hot, very uncomfortable wedding reception, instead),so I can't compare between your and Kelli's, but remember when you told me that you've sworn off pinterest because you just can't keep up with Kelli and Kass? Well, I'm calling you a liar. Because I've seen pictures of what you've done, and it's all amazing. Just like Kelli and Kass are always doing amazing stuff. So amazing that you have ME crafting, as well. And that's freaking amazing. (I'm not saying it's good, or cute, but it's me crafting....which is something I swore I'd never do, after the "scrapbooking" failure of 2000-2006 when I just told myself to let it all go, and realize that some people can do it, and others, cannot). Anyway, I love those little masks. And Syd wears hers, too. And I'm saving mine, because it's adorable. And I may have stolen like, two extras of the forty that were made, because I thought they were so fantastic. And I'll rat on Cole: He stole 4.
I'm also glad Axel liked the "robots". Hopefully that kinda made up for me missing his party...a tiny, tiny bit. ;)

Jessie Eyre said...

Those masks were SAWEET!!!

And you guys are totally the cutest people ever. Same goes for your babes--second only to my own, of course. :)
