Those who know me well, or even a little at all, know I tend to over do it, take on too much, push myself to hard, but don't realize I am doing it until way after during the recovery/breakdown stage. Yesterday was one of those said occasions. You see, Saturdays around our house are a big deal, we have a lot that we cram in on those days because it is Kory's one day off during the week, and it is also the day that we get ready for our busy Sunday full of church, callings and family dinners.
There is just LOTS to do always. I am a busy person and like to stay busy. That is just how I am, so yesterday my to do list wasn't abnormally long for me, but perhaps for someone who is in their 30th week of pregnancy it was just too much.
I started the day by loading up the dogs and heading over to a friends garage sale, then from there went and delivered around my neighborhood some invitations to a baby shower for my friend, and some invitations to mine as well. That was kind of hard, it was REALLY hot outside, and I couldn't wait to get it done.
After that I came home ate some lunch, and headed to the grocery store for just a few items to get us through the weekend and the first part of the week. Nothing too out of the ordinary. When I got home from the store I put the groceries away and made Kory some lunch (he wasn't home before)
Then I began to tidy up my house, and help assist Kory on some of the things he was working on, but nothing too strenuous I thought. I didn't feel like I was pushing any limits for myself.
But by the end of the night I was beat. So I took a nice bubble bath with lavender to help relax my back and hip muscles, and reduce the slight swelling and pressure in my feet. We then settled down for an intense episode of Heroes and then it was off to bed.
Right before I switched off my lamp, I felt a sharp pain in my uterus and accompanied by the tightening of my uterus. (like Braxten but painful) I was a little alarmed but thought well, I will just go to bed and I am sure it will be fine, its probably just Braxtens and round ligament pain.
Well, my body felt differently, and I continued to have those same pains throughout the night. In the morning I decided I would time them and see how close they were, and call my doctor if they were pretty consistent. Well sure enough 8 minutes apart exactly every time. So I called the on call doctor at my doctors office and they told me to come in to get monitored.
Two thoughts came to my mind about this...
1. If I go in and they tell me its just constipation or something simple like that I will feel dumb
2. If I go in and they tell me its not just constipation or something simple I will be scared out of my mind, and probably just lose it.
So Kory and I headed out the door to the Labor and Delivery unit. They checked us in, and took us back to one of the labor and delivery rooms, they gave me a gown and had me wait for a nurse. When our nurse came in she had me take a urine sample, and then hooked me up to a fetal heart monitor to check his heart beat, his heart beat was very strong, and she said she was actually really surprised that it was so strong at 30 weeks. She then strapped another monitor to my belly to see if I was really having contractions.
Sure enough I was, and the timing continued to be pretty consistent. She then said they were going to take some samples for two tests to see if that is what was causing the contractions.
Both tests came back as negative, which is good, because it meant I didn't have an infection, and it also meant that I most likely wont be going into labor anytime soon for at least two weeks. But the contractions continued. So they gave me 3 shots of a this gross stuff called Brethine. The Brethine stopped the contractions, so she said I could go home. They told me to "take it easy" for the rest of the day and for the next few days and that later this week I am to go see my doctor.
So it was quite an adventure for us today, hopefully we can keep these contractions at bay, so I don't have to go back in and get an IV in my arm. Wish me luck!