Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fall Walk

One of my FAVORITE things about living in Utah in the fall is the Provo Canyon! It is so full of such beauty!

My friend Ashley and I, have been visiting the canyon for years now, in our single days we would rollerblade down the long trail on the warm fall nights, or go up and study in the parks. That's right I said ROLLERBLADE. :)

Now we have babies and we still love going up there each fall to enjoy all the colors of the trees, and to appreciate nature one last time before it takes a long winters nap. We love teaching our little ones about the changing leaves. There really is NO better place to witness this but the Provo Canyon.

I will admit, it was a LONG walk for me. My ankle was still sore from my sprang from our trip, and it was hotter than we anticipated that day, so we were all dressed warmly...Bad planning on my part.

My kids fought the whole way up. We had to take A LOT of breaks to look at leaves, and to let the boys walk. So that added to our time exponentially! And it took us a LONG time to get to the falls. 

Me and my kiddos

But the kids LOVED getting to Bridal Veil Falls 

We let the kids play in the dirty stream along the side of the trail. By we, I mean I did, and so Ashley's kids wanted to too. Such bad examples, sorry again ash :(
 But they sure had fun! 

Nixon and Dani were sorta matching in there striped shirts. 

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