Friday, November 14, 2008


Kory brought this home to me last night, I didn't believe him at first, I thought it was an old receipt from a long time ago, but sure enough Kory was able to buy 11.208 gallons for 21.28 bucks! I was in shock and looked over the receipt a million times to make sure it was all true! It was the best day! We are seriously considering going and storing up while it is such a deal!


KaSs MiLeS said...

Isn't that scary to have your name on your blog and the last 4 of your credit card? just a though.
I am very thrilled about gas prices as of late!!! I specifically remember texting Nick when it hit 2 dollars.

Amy said...

Thanks for the heads up, I changed it so it wouldn't be on there anymore. I didn't even see it before, so thanks for the heads up!

rain said...

The lowered price of gas makes me soooo happy. It's like, I don't feel guilty when I take the kids to school, or I go to get groceries. As long as it keeps going down, I will be eternally grateful. Seriously. 1.89 is FABULOUS. We don't have anywhere here that's that low just yet, but it being lower than 2.30 a gallon? I'm beginning to think the world is getting itself back in order.

Emily said...

Isn't is fantastic! Gas was 1.80 at Costco today! I never thought we would see gas at less than $2.00 ever again!

Shauna said...

I know! It makes my day every day to see the gas prices get lower and lower. I honestly didn't think it would go below $2.00