Many people want to know what my new job is. And because we don't have much going on right now, I thought I would give you the low down on my job. I work for a Silk Screening/Printing company as the Art Director.
Some Facts about my job...
1. The whole building reeks like someone just pooped their pants. At first I thought someone had some serious gas, and I was really bothered that they kept passing gas at work. I would go home and tell Kory how someone kept farting all day long right by my desk, and it was making me dry heave. Turns out there is a sewage treatment plant down the road a bit, and we are lucky enough to be downwind of its fabulous gas.
2. I have come to the conclusion that my boss is deaf. He is either yelling or yelling. He talks so loud that, even though he is in a completely different room than I am, I can hear word for word every single conversation he has. I really like it when he puts people on speaker phone, and then says afterwords, did you get that? How could I not? Even when I wear my head phones I can hear his entire conversation. Sometimes I leave work with a major head ache, and my ears ringing. He also likes to come out of his office and yell "ASSERTIVE, LADIES LETS WORK ON BEING ASSERTIVE TODAY!" over and over, he then goes on and on about all the ways we can be ultra pushy and rude to our customers to get what we want. He definitely puts the A$$ in word assertive.
3. My boss put all his employees on salary right before there busy season last year so he wouldn't have to pay any overtime. They all agreed because he promised they would be able to take multiple days off during the slow season to make up for the fact that he worked them 60 hours+ a week without being compensated. However, if people did take days off, he deducts their pay. This doesn't effect me yet, as I am still hourly, however because of this, each morning all the employees gather around and gripe about our boss from 8am-9:30ish right around my desk. It is always a great way to start the day.
Now for some good parts....
1. I am the Art Director, and get to work on my own. Which I like a lot. I really like being able to be independent.
2. We may be moving buildings! Which means no more smelly poo, and my boss will be on a totally different floor. So no more headaches!
3. I really like what I do, job description wise. The whole silk screening process is really cool, it is so much different than regular printing. I have learned a lot since I started working there. And, if there is a design that I like, or worked hard on, I can get a shirt printed for my self, which is cool, cause I like free clothes.
I know the good parts are kinda lame, but things are looking up. The first month was really discouraging to me. Especially my training because the guy I replaced, turns out was fired, and they had him train me. So it was really awkward. And then my boss told me to pretty much forget everything he had showed me, because he of course had a better way doing things, which totally confused me at first.
So that is my job. Pretty exciting huh? I know I just put you all to sleep.
And if you made it to the end, you should watch this link.
Funny Office clip